The Royal Road – Vihangam Yoga

The Royal Road of Your Spiritual Journey Starts Here. Practice this Amazing Scientific Technique of Meditation for Ten Minutes and Get Peace of Mind, Body, and Soul. Know Who Am I. Know About Creation, Sustenance, and Annihilation. Brahamvidya Vihangam Yoga is The Royal Road Leading to Spiritual Attainment.

The real happiness, power, knowledge, and all other rare qualities that man can wish for can be had through the realization of God and this realization is not something like thinking or imagining about God. It is the achievement of God, something like having Him, possessing Him, and all His attributes accompanying Him. By so doing man attains real bliss in life and then all his other desires are fully satiated and he becomes happy. Such a man is called Aptakam, one whose all desires are fulfilled.

To attain this sublime state of life, you will have to follow this particular technique called Vihangam Yoga, under the guidance of one who has reached that stage and is fully conversant with the particular ways leading to that state. Such a man is known as SADGURU– the great spiritual master of mankind.

It is, therefore urgently required that you try to find out such a master and obtain the scientific technique of attaining this coveted state of life. Unless the people of the world, in general, follow this spiritual way of life, real happiness, peace, and prosperity are things far remote and rare in this world.

Vihangamyoga | Royal Road

His Holiness Infinite Sadguru Sadafal Dev Ji Maharaj

[August 25, 1888 – February 11, 1954]

This technique is not limited to people of a particular caste, creed, or nation. It is meant for man all over the universe. It is not something like a sect or narrow way of life. It is a science of the spirit or soul suited to every man, the learned and the illiterate, man and woman, the grown-up and the aged, and all the people of the world at large. This is what the universal religion is.

Vihangamyoga | Royal Road

Present Sadguru His Holiness Swatantra Dev Ji Maharaj

One desirous of practicing it should learn and practice it for at least ten minutes every morning and evening and see how much good one gets gradually. It is not something to be believed. It is to be practiced and actually seen how a person can free himself from all worldly agonies and various diseases like high blood pressure, heart troubles, diabetes, etc. resulting therefrom.

No amount of lecture can bring peace and solace to the listener unless he/she learns this unique technique of Vihangam Yoga and himself/herself sees that he/she is having the most coveted peace and happiness in life.

It is the best system of spiritual practice. It can be practiced by old men, youth, children, girls, and women of all religions, all castes, and all nations. The zone of immortality, automatically effulgent of the Supreme Entity, is acquired through it. This Entity is the Illuminer of all lights – itself being divinely effulgent. Only on its attainment, pure souls reach there and get peace, rest, and bliss.

By Practicing this Scientific Technique of Meditation, also called Vihangam Yoga, you will know the answer to many questions you have. Some questions are listed below:
  1. What is Meditation?
  2. What is the Best Time to Meditate?
  3. Who am I?
  4. Where I come from?
  5. Why am I stuck in this world?
  6. Where I will go after leaving this world?
  7. What is scientific spirituality?
  8. How to become more spiritually connected?
  9. What are the 5 stages of spiritual awakening?
  10. How to improve my spiritual life when I am a Christian / Muslim / Hindu / Jarthrust / Buddhist / Baha’i / Jain /  Shinto / Sikh / Tao / Zoroaster or I am following an indigenous religion or any other religion?

Here, it is worth mentioning that YOU can practice this technique along with the religion you are following.

To know how to practice this Scientific Technique at Your Home, please provide Your Contact Number and/or Email Address along with the Name of Your City and Country through the Contact Us Form on this website. We will let you know the contact details of the person near you who will guide you and let you know how to practice this method at your home. To learn more, you can also visit here: Vihangam Yoga.

This Scientific Technique of Meditation is completely FREE!
After Ten Minutes of Practice of this Scientific Technique of Meditation at a Calm Place at Your Home OR at a Place Near Your Home, You Will:
  1. Feel Relaxed.
  2. Your Tiredness Will Be Gone
  3. You Will Feel Energetic
  4. You Will Feel Happy
  5. Your Energy Will Last Throughout the Day

After You Learn This Technique, You will have to Spend Ten Minutes practicing in the Early Morning Between 4am and sunrise, and Ten Minutes in the Evening before going to bed.

Other Benefits of This Royal Road of Scientific Technique of Meditation are:
  1. It increases your concentration
  2. It increases your creativity
  3. It increases your ability in every walk of life.
  4. It is suitable for people with high blood pressure.
  5. It increases blood flow and slows the heart rate.
  6. It reduces anxiety attacks by lowering the levels of blood lactate.
  7. If you are suffering from insomnia, you will fall asleep soon. You will not need any other type of sleep meditation/chakra meditation.
This Royal Road of Scientific Technique of Meditation is especially useful for students:

The practice of this technique will increase the concentration and thus comprehension capability of the student allowing him/her to perform much better in class than before.

This technique is also helpful for Job Seekers:

Practice of this technique will help job seekers prepare well with a calm mind and they will not get nervous during the interview.

This Technique is Useful for Men and Women of Any Age and Children of Age 6 Onwards:

So, keep your body, mind, and spirit in harmony, and to get rid of high BP, anxiety, depression, etc. practice this scientific technique of meditation for at least six months and see the result by yourself. You will observe noticeable changes within one month of practice.

Please note that whatever you are doing now will not give you internal peace or happiness. To get it, you will have to learn how to control your mind, which is the first step of Vihangam Yoga, and the entrance door to the spiritual world. To know, use the Contact Us form.

So, act right now and do not hesitate. Use the Contact Form to get guidance.

It’s completely FREE

May God Bless You!

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