SVARVEDA Second Half

Canto Six of Svarveda | Naambhajan | How to go beyond the material world while I am alive and enjoy the bliss of the conscious world

Chapter 1

Written by

His Holiness Sadguru Sadafal Dev Ji Maharaj

Commentary in Hindi by

His Holiness Acharya Shri Swatantra Dev Ji Maharaj

Second Parampara Sadguru

Translated into English by

Rajarshi Professor Triloki Nath Pandey Ji

President of All India Vihangam Yog Sansthan


Definition of Brahmavidya:

Brahmavidya or Vihangam Yoga, as old as the creation itself, is an amazing scientific technique of realizing one’s own self and thereby the all-pervading Supreme Entity addressed differently in different languages as God, Ishwar, Supreme Soul, Allah, Khuda, etc.

This is a secret technique of Indian saints passed to generations only one to one by the True Teacher to maintain its secrecy because this technique has infinite power of construction as well as destruction. Modern atomic power is just like an unborn child when compared with this power.

Here, I am NOT giving the original couplets written in the Hindi language. I am writing here only an Exposition of those couplets translated by Honorable Great Rajarshi Professor Triloki Nath Pandey Ji.

SVARVEDA TRANSLATOR - Rajarshi Professor Triloki Nath Pandey

Rajarshi Professor Triloki Nath Pandey Ji

President of Vihangam Yoga Sansthan


Page 1:

Exposition: It is essential for aspirants of Brahmavidya first to control their mind, speech, and body, go to the teacher of this science, Sadguru’s shelter, and please him through their services and devotion. Thereafter they should begin Yoga practice having been initiated Into the Secret internal process of Brahmavidya.

In addition to this, they should be really deserving for the same by developing qualities such as knowledge, reclusion, restraint over their sense organs, tolerance, etc. because only deserving aspirants acquire the sublime status of Brahmavidya, and not all and sundry.

Page 2:

Word meaning:

  1. Ingala

    – The nerve passing through the left nostril.

  2. Pingala

    – The nerve passing through the right nostril.

  3. Susmana

    – The special nerve, also called the Brahma nadi, in human beings, passes through in between Ingala and Pingala and goes upward from the zone of the heart. Susmana is not mental imagination or its vagaries. On the contrary, it is an apparent science by which the consciousness of the soul passes through the tenth door being opened to the zone above.

  4. Prakriti

    – It is the zone of physical matter which can be sensed through our eyes, nose, ears, tongue, and skin and interpreted through our mind.

  5. Aks’ar

    – The conscious zone from where the physical world is controlled.

  6. Kundalini

    – It is the serpentine power that blocks the pathway to the conscious zone and until it gives way, nobody can get into the conscious zone.

Exposition: The fine door inside the susmana, the last one which was closed till now, opens through sincere and unflinching love in Sadguru’s holy feet. Only then the conscious energy of the soul goes beyond Prakriti and passing through the conscious zone of Aks’ar, reach that of the Supreme Aks’ar, and acquires divine bliss and nectar thereof.

By meditating on Sadguru’s holy feet in that special zone, the aperture inside the susmana opens and the kundalini, the serpentine power withdraws its hood from the said door.

Through this very secret practice, several disciples of Sadguru have reached beyond Prakriti and have acquired divine experience and are also doing so now.

So, those desiring salvation should try to awaken Kundalini and go beyond the zone of Prakriti in the above-noted manner.

Page 3-4:

Word meaning:

  1. Surati

    – The conscious energy of the soul.

Exposition: Know the situation of Ingala, Pingala, and Susmana from the Guru and make a thorough search for their secret activity. Inside the Susmana, there is a fine hole atop the head.

The soul remains captivated in the body under the bondage of Prakriti when it is closed.

This secret hole is opened by means of the Guru’s technique. Then the Surati, the conscious energy of the soul, passes through it, and goes beyond Prakriti to enter the zone of Aks’ar. There in the conscious sky, the soul practically sees the image of the Guru continuously.

Without the opening of the susmana, to say that one is practicing yoga or following some spiritual path is nothing but hypocrisy.

It is not at real yoga practice, because without the opening of susmana, the conscious energy of the soul keeps wandering within the boundary of Prakriti and it doesn’t attain his goal, keeps practicing several methods of yoga for births and births together and is gripped with sorrow and worry like a forlorn traveler not having reached his destination, all his efforts go unrewarded.

So seek a real Guru and know from him the secret of opening the door of Prakriti and attain the conscious entity. This is the instruction here.

When during the period of practice, a feeling of vibration and giddiness appears, it should be taken as a good sign, because with this very vibration starts the action for the opening of the fine door inside susmana.

Original Comment Writer of SVARVEDA SECOND HALF in Hindi: Present Sadguru His Holiness Swatantra Dev Ji Maharaj.

Present Sadguru His Holiness Swatantra Dev Ji Maharaj

Present Sadguru His Holiness Swatantra Dev Ji Maharaj

Page 4 -5:

Exposition: By remembering the divine personality of Guru on the zone pointed out by him, the conscious vision of the soul becomes constantly stable and Sadguru’s image becomes divinely lighted there. At times, it is seen more uniquely effulgent. By worshipping Guru in sixteen pious ways and meditating on his image, peace is acquired.

For this, there is no other way in the world.

By meditating on Guru i.e. Aks’ar, the mind becomes totally tranquil, free from thought, inactive, and ultimately is merged in its origin. Then the personal form of the Guru is converted into that of The Word (Supreme Entity). The feeling of the same is indescribable.

Page 5:

Exposition: By serving Sadguru’s holy feet and being devoted to them in addition to the four rarities – physical amenities, religion, desires, and salvation, the Supreme Soul is attended in the form of an infinite reward not even being desired.

The sense conveyed here is that by serving Sadguru and being devoted to him the Lord is attained and the disciple being liberated in lifetime enjoys infinite and divine bliss in life. Sadguru protects his devotees and disciplines at all places, whenever and wherever the same is needed.

Page 6-7:


This is the great glory of Sadguru. All sorrows and agonies disappear merely by remembering Sadguru. Sadguru performs only the Lord’s works. The Lord’s love is over souls as a father has his over his children by nature. He wishes that the miseries of souls be removed.

The Sadguru performs the same works. He initiates people into the process of Brahmvidya, leads them through the Royal Road of consciousness, and unites them with the Supreme Entity.

In that state, the soul sits in the lap of the Lord as a child sits in the lap of its father and enjoys untold bliss.

Such works of redeeming souls remain lying for Sadguru at various places in the universe i.e. await his grace. Inside the conscious zone of Aks’ar and Supreme Aks’ar, the divine effulgence of Sadguru is practically seen and therefrom it keeps projecting itself into the whole of the Universe. Deserving practitioners of Yoga know and practically see this divine effulgence of Sadguru.

This divine light is the source of all other lights. Such experience the practitioner practically has after attaining the said zone. Sadguru has the unique power for attracting yoga practitioners desirous of acquiring salvation towards himself. He attracts them towards himself into the conscious zone beyond that of Prakriti.

Page 8-9:

Exposition: On the appearance of the conscious sound, the zone of Sadguru is practically visible during the state of yoga practice. On the appearance of the sound inside the zone of Aks’ar, Sadguru’s personal form is practically seen through the conscious vision, surati, in the true zone of Supreme Aks’ar which is above that of Aks’ar.

Then the pure soul apparently sees the conscious form of Supreme Aks’ar and enjoys supreme bliss.

When constancy in Sadguru’s image in the conscious zone pointed out by Sadguru takes place like the bird Chakora looking at the moon, the said zone is apparently visible and in that inaccessible conscious zone, Sadguru’s image is apparently seen lighted supremely. When such a state like that of the said bird on the moon appears in Sadguru’s form, the all-pervading Word is apparently felt inside the practitioner’s own body as well as everywhere outside.

Such an experience is acquired only by meditating on Sadguru’s image in that special zone and not by any other means. Stabilize your surati in Guru’s image through the secret technique of Paravidya and be absorbed in the same. Then the Supreme Entity inaccessible by the organs of senses is practically experienced. As such, get this technique of Paravidya by seeking Sadguru’s shelter and serving him humbly. This is the instruction conveyed through these lines here.

Page 9:

Exposition: When in the Sadguru’s apparent form that appears through the secret technique of yoga in the zone of Sadguru, surati remains stable constantly, that fortunate ray of the soul awakes and becomes lighted in full. Now the darkness of ignorance and suspicion is dispelled. The conscious soul gets united with the conscious Supreme Soul. Under the guard of the conscious, the great thief, smuggler – ignorance can’t stay. It takes to its heels.

The sense is that during the period of yoga practice, Sadguru’s personal form apparently appears in Sadguru’s special zone. The surati gets continuously united with it. In that stage perfect light of knowledge appears and ignorance and illusions are banished from inside the soul.

Page 10-11:

Exposition: To love the Sadguru only as a fish loves water is a perfect conscience because, without devotion to Sadguru, no practice can bear any fruit. In spiritual science, devotion, and knowledge are two main things. Both of these are needed but you should think devotion to be better than knowledge because, through sole devotion to Sadguru’s holy feet, knowledge is automatically gained through His grace.

In devotion, there is a feeling of self-dedication and in knowledge, one’s own effort is valued. The sublime state pointed out by the Sadguru is acquired through the joint technique of knowledge and devotion i.e. the highest goal of life, the attainment of the Supreme Lord is to be had.

Then the cycle of birth and death ends and the soul thus liberated enjoys supreme bliss. Mere knowledge without sole love for the guru is fruitless. Mere knowledge leads to downfall and a feeling of fear. Sole reverence and love for Gurudeo is the essence of life and in Sadguru’s status, and in the attainment of Guru’s zone is contained the perfect compliance of all duties.

Page 12:

Exposition: For a devotee to Sadguru, it is not at all necessary to recite any mantra or the Lord’s holy name, to undertake any penance, to acquire theoretical knowledge, to perform yajna, to undertake fasting, to worship any deity and perform such other deeds of Prakriti (world).

It is, however, essential for him to keep himself always engaged in sole devotion to the Guru by leaving aside thoughtfully all material media. It is proper for a practitioner to forsake all pride and to meditate on the apparent personality of Sadguru in the zone of his meditation and serve his present body.

By meditating on the apparent image of Guru, the inapparent all-pervading Supreme Entity is revered. By meditating on Guru’s person in Guru’s secret zone i.e. in the Aks’ar-zone, the inapparent all-pervading entity apparently appears in experience. Several valuable objects are known through the said process.

This is the only secret technique to be had directly from the Guru. The importance of reverence to Sadguru’s apparent form, service to him, and meditation on him has been dealt with in these lines. So it is necessary for every practitioner of yoga to try to unite himself to Sadguru’s person in all respects.

Page 13:

Exposition: When the Aks’ar sound exploding apparently enters the internal zone of the yoga practitioner, the same sound appears both inside and outside the body in experience. This is the true experience of Eternal Sadguru Himself who is perfect in all respects and is the master of all sciences and arts.

Page 14:

Exposition: The zone of the Supreme Aks’ar is beyond that of Aks’ar. It is beyond the access of the material media. That conscious zone cannot be spoken of, heard of and described through words.

That Supreme Entity is the controller of the inert.

He is experienced practically through the conscious science of yoga and He is supremely benedictory. The conscious ray of the soul, the surati gradually becomes finer and then finest, thus turning into ‘nirati’, enters the vast zone of the Nihs’abda, the Supreme Lord.

In that conscious zone it exists in the supremely effulgent Sadguru. The moment the ray of the soul unites with that conscious zone, it loses contact with the inert. That yogi becomes oblivious of the inert world and his self is united with the supremely conscious Nis’abda. All the sights of the conscious zone are now apparent before him. All of them are good and there is none that appears had.

Words fail to describe that zone.

It beggars description. Now the yogi acquires the beautiful home of that supreme bliss. The power of attraction lies secretly hidden in Sadguru. Deserving aspirants, devoted disciples naturally feel the same all around their persons. They get automatically attracted towards Sadguru’s person and they don’t even know the cause of it.

Page 15 – 16:

Exposition: The divine power of the attraction of Sadguru attracts towards itself pure and sincere souls the moment they come in its contact. What will those blind with ignorance and without Sadguru’s contact understand this mystery?

The practitioner having susmana-flow goes towards Sadguru i.e. he goes even with closed eyes where Sadguru is.

On Sadguru’s turning in some other direction, he goes towards the same side and comes before him. It is a vivid proof of Sadguru’s great glory of attraction. It is also a test of Sadguru that a practitioner with susmana-flow goes towards Sadguru even with his eyes closed and not towards any other practitioner, yogi, great soul, or a common person.

The tenth door opens through this process.

The practitioner is unable to speak anything. The function of inhaling and exhaling stops. In this state too the practitioner has the feeling of his own body. It is not that a practitioner whose susmana-door opens doesn’t have the perception of his own body and he will begin thinking himself to be bodiless.

Such a feeling of being bodiless occurs in the higher stage of yoga practice ahead and not during susmana.

When the action of inhaling and exhaling stops, the practitioner becomes restless, lies prostrate at Sadguru’s holy feet and thereby gets peace and comes to himself. All these situations come to yoga-practitioner in the beginning before the opening of the susmana-door. When this door opens the practitioner with susmana-flow becomes quiet. His consciousness turns upward through the said secret door and remains fixed there. The function of his inhaling and exhaling becomes very subtle.

Page 17:

Exposition: All yoga practice bears fruit only when there is firm faith in the merciful Guru. It is well known that if there is a lack of faith, suspicion, or illusion is there in the Guru the practitioner can’t go ahead. If the disciple wishes to receive the secret process of Brahmavidya and advance in the practice of yoga having no connection with the Guru, it is not at all possible, because for such a person it is imperative to be connected with the Guru all the time.

If a yoga practitioner has no connection with the Guru and practices yoga, he does not acquire any progress and experience.

His time, effort, and self-energy devoted to yoga practices prove to be futile. As a leaf breaking away from a tree falls down and doesn’t unite with the twig again and not getting the vital juice from the tree goes dry, similarly the disciple-practitioner being separated from the Guru becomes bereft of the bliss of and experience of the practice. His life becomes dry and uninteresting. It becomes difficult for him to establish his relationship with Guru afresh.

If in some fortunate practitioner’s heart, there remains the said faith for the Guru and it is not totally destroyed, he again lays himself prostrate at the Guru’s holy feet. Then his practice and experience begin to advance. So disciple-practitioners should be always alert not to snap their connection from the Guru in any untoward situation too.

Page 18:

Exposition: In the form of the breath of the Nihaks’ar, Supreme Lord, Aks’ar appears in His one-fourth part i.e. the Aks’ar Brahman appears from the Nihaks’ara. Then movement takes place in atoms being in contact with the former and creation commences.

Again when the Aks’ara hides into the Nihaks’ara, the cosmos perishes i.e. great annihilation takes place.

Both the Aks’ara and the Nihaks’ara are conscious entities. So both exist always. Aks’ara appears from the Nihaks’ara, then creation takes place and when it hides inside Nihaks’ara, the universe having no vibration is destroyed. There is a conspicuous absence of inert prakriti in Aks’ar and Nihaks’ar. It is not there in either of the two. This knowledge in its real form is acquired apparently by practicing yoga.

So, get liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Awake and achieve the goal of your life. Forget your miseries and enjoy freedom from the bondage of Nature. Practice that YOGA, which is as old as creation itself, to have something fruitful in your life.

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