
Proclamation by His Holiness Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj

Sadguru Sadafal Deo, Yihangam Yoga, Proclamation

His Holiness Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj
[August 25, 1988 – February 1954]



Amazing is the Way of Vihangam Yoga, I will tell thee.

If thee duly practice, I will send thee to the immortal world.

I will help thee to leave the Natural base, will let thee to your own real nature.

I will invert your senses, raise you up in the spiritual sky, give thee the Makar Thread

I will help you cross the barrier of the body, the sixty-eight zeros, put you above the transient world.

Thee will experience, pearls are raining, will let thee bath in the river of immortality.

I will establish thee in thee purest form, will show thee the Supreme Lord.

I am unable to describe thither view, which is beyond my speech and intellect.

Supreme Lord is infinitely kind, I will let you meet HIM.

Says ‘Sadafal’, who is in extreme bliss, I will terminate yours to and fro traffic in this world.

——–Infinite True Teacher Sadafal Dev

Commentary on the Proclamation

I will tell you the practical technique of supernatural and strange Vihangam Yoga. If you practice this technique every day regularly according to the rules, then I will take you to the immortal zone, which is the divine conscious abode of the Supreme Lord.

By liberating the consciousness of your soul from your senses, I will establish you in your pure conscious form. By turning your self-consciousness from the world and raising it to the upper-conscious sky, I will make you hold the Makar rope, which is a conscious thread between you and God. With the help of which you will easily reach the Supreme Lord.

I will take you beyond your Body, the Universe, and sixty-eight zeros and establish you in the conscious zone. There you will directly experience that new knowledge is raining in your soul every day. I will bathe you in the ocean of nectar. By establishing you in pure self-form, I will show you the Supreme Lord or God directly.

How should I describe the amazing view there? It is beyond the reach of the mind, speech, and senses. It is beyond description. I will unite you with the infinite compassionate God and you will enjoy the divine bliss of God. His Holiness Sadguru Sadafal Dev Ji Maharaj says O inquisitors, souls bereft of God! I will erase the bondage of your birth and death, I will end it.

In this post, His Holiness Sadafal Dev Ji Maharaj, while addressing the souls who are suffering from the tri-agony of the world from the post of Sadguru, has rightly and authoritatively announced his supreme technique of meditation practice – Vihangam Yoga.

To date, this type of announcement has not been made by anyone except Nitya Aadi Sadguru i.e. Eternal True Teacher. The importance of Sadguru has been highlighted in this verse.

With his great spiritual powers, Sadguru can let his disciples who are under his refuge and practice his amazing scientific technique of meditation according to the rules, to have a look at God and can free them from the cycle of birth and death.

This amazing scientific technique of meditation is a matter of experience. Therefore, by surrendering to Sadguru, it is appropriate for all people to practice the amazing scientific technique of meditation called Vihangam Yoga to attain the Lord.

This amazing scientific technique went out of common access after Mahabharata War. It was His Holiness Infinite Shri Sadguru Sadafal Dev Ji Maharaj, who renovated its principle and scientific practice after undertaking strenuous penance continuously for seventeen years in his self-made cave at Virtikoot Ashram Ballia, U.P. India and also in various holy places including his Shoony Shikhar Ashram in the Himalayas.

Proclamation with English subtitles:

So, hurry, grab the opportunity to bathe in the ocean of Nectar, and get Eternal peace and desired wishes along with physical and mental wellness.

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