Vihangam Yoga is a Simple Amazing Meditation Technique as Old as Creation. Do not think or imagine GOD. Achieve HIM. Have HIM. Possess HIM. Get from HIM. “Yuj”, is a Sanskrit word meaning unification or union, and the term Yoga is derived from it. Thus, yoga is the union of two conscious entities, the soul and the Lord. The union between two similar objects is permanent and durable, whereas the union between two dissimilar things is short-lived and unnatural. So, the scientific process of uniting the soul with the Lord is Yoga.
Real Yoga
Various languages in their own words have given a name to The One and Same Conscious Entity as The lord, God, Supreme Entity, Allah, Eshwar, Brahma, or Par Brahma. This All-pervading, All-blissful, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Supreme Entity is beyond the access of mind, speech, and physical organs.
However, He can be realized through the Amazing Scientific Technique of Vihangam Yoga, which is purely conscious. Utilizing this technique, the soul unites itself with this All-powerful, Ever existing Entity called God.
In fact, Real Yoga is this unity of the soul with God.
All the civilized countries of the world now recognize the word yoga and some of them practice it. But the yoga being done by them is not the real process of uniting the soul with the Lord. They are doing some methods on a physical, mental, intellectual, or vocal level. All of these methods are material. They are not on a conscious level. The practice of these methods does not lead the person to the state of self-realization and unless one realizes one’s own soul, he/she can’t unite it with the Lord, Supreme Entity, God, or Allah.
Only our body benefits from the different postures practiced on a physical level. These postures make us physically strong and disease-free. Our health gets help and is improved by the various processes of breathing exercises (pranayama) too. Our memory also gets help in becoming strong through their practice.
Neti, Dhauti, Nauli, Basti, Kapalbhati, and Tratak – are the six processes of Hath yoga, which are also practiced on a physical level and are not on the conscious level. Therefore, these also help us keep fit only physically.
Some people do the recitation of some special terms, God’s name or offer prayers at some holy place with the help of speech or utmost with the help of mind. Since speech and mind are not purely conscious, and are a bit material, these techniques also fail to make us realize our soul and thereafter the Lord.
Likewise, meditating on the eight plexus (chakras) of the body or adopting any other ritual or rites are of little help to us in getting permanent peace and happiness for which we are ever persevering. This does not mean that all the aforesaid ways and means don’t fetch us any fruitful gain.
By the practice of the above-mentioned methods, we get something that surprises us and also others. We get miraculous powers through these techniques. But we still lack peace of mind and they sometimes give us pain and/or pleasure. In his famous book of philosophy on yoga, Maharshi Patanjali referred to several such miracles one can get by concentrating one’s energy on different points in the body. He has described:
- How a practitioner of yoga can free himself from the urge of hunger and thirst
- How he can disappear from the sight of a common person
- How he can know about his previous births and so on and so forth.
But even then he/she can’t have a look at his /her own conscious self nor can he/she unite his/her soul with the Almighty Lord. So he/she can’t free himself/herself from the cycle of birth and death and therefore is bound to suffer several miseries.
You are simply requested to see whether or not you still lack permanent peace and happiness in spite of the fact that you strive day and night to achieve these. You are simply being asked just to seek within your heart of hearts whether:
- Are you fully satisfied with the present state of affairs?
- Don’t you feel restless at times?
- Doesn’t your mind stray hither and thither?
- Is your family relation congenial?
- Don’t you find that your relationship with people outside your home is sometimes stained and unpleasing?
- Don’t you feel yourself sometimes helpless in overcoming all these obstacles?
You will unquestionably concur with me regarding the above questions.
Now my last query is if you actually want to learn the simplest method which can:
- Steer clear of all your problems and
- Bestow upon you long-standing peace and happiness.
The oldest, as old as Creation itself, simplest & amazing scientific technique of getting peace of mind, body, and soul – Vihangam Yoga
If you are eager and desire to get the know-how of it, be ready to learn the oldest, simplest & amazing technique – Vihangam Yoga. It is the technique of Sages and Saints of Yore, by forgetting which you are all, so to say, groping in the darkness to attain the goal of your life: peace and pleasure.
But before going forward, you are requested to read more. The golden way you are going to be introduced is of someone else’s. It is also not a new one. It is as old as the Creation itself. You all know that God is an All-pervading conscious entity. He is not born or dies. He is Ever-lasting having no beginning or end. So the method of realizing the Lord too must be equally everlasting having no beginning or end. And the Teacher Teaching that method also must be as ancient as this universe itself.
But, we are not perfect human beings. With the passage of time, the divine knowledge we get degenerates. And with the passage of time, this divine knowledge of God-realization disappears from the common approach.
Due to this, several ways and means based on mind, body, and other material objects crop up.
People do not get the real peace they covet so much by following one or other of these methods.
In these circumstances, Great Souls appear in human forms to bring this invaluable and scientific technique down to the general mass. Such great souls are called True Teachers – Sadguru.
Various Types of Sadguru
There are Four Types of Sadguru –
The first type of Sadguru is called – Nitya Anadi Saduguru (The Eternal Sadguru)
Nitya Anadi i.e. everlasting, bodiless personality capable of incarnating Himself at His discretion. He is not born of a couple. He appears in any human form with the twinkling of an eye. He is possessed with great divine power. He knows the scientific methods of assimilating and dissimilating atomic particles through which He creates His Physical body and also makes it dissolve into atoms.
The second type of Sadguru is called – Swayam Siddha Sadguru (Self-proven Sadguru)
This type of True Teacher is one born of a couple and empowered by the Nitya Anadi Sadguru to preach Brahmavidya – the science of God-realization to desirous persons. He is not required to practice the method Himself, because He is gifted with the divine power by the Everlasting Sadguru (True teacher) Himself. He is called Swayam Siddha Sadguru i.e. one who has himself acquired (accomplishment) and starts preaching.
The third type of Sadguru is called – Abhyas Siddha Sadguru (Sadguru post acquired by Practice)
He is one who undertakes strenuous penance for a pretty long time. He is taught and guided by Nitya Anadi Sadguru who manifests Himself before him from time to time. At last, The Great True Teacher bestows upon this practitioner the authority and power of a True Teacher and such a great soul is called Abhyas Siddha Sadguru.
His Holiness Infinite Sadguru Sadafaldeoji Maharaj
[August 25, 1988 – February 1954]
During the present age, we are fortunate enough to get a true Teacher in the Form of His Holiness Sadguru Sadafaldeoji Maharaj. He was born in the year 1888 in a Yogi family in the village of Pakari, district of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh, India. His ancestors were renowned Yogis, and some of them sat in meditation for six months straight.
Sadguru Sadafaldeoji Maharaj began practicing yoga when he was eleven years old. He practiced it for seventeen years in his self-made cave at Vritikoot Ashram Pakari, Ballia, his cave in Shoonya Shikhar Ashram Himalayas, Jhunsi Ashram (Prayag) on the Ganges River, and several other sacred sites. He did a series of yoga anusthans (Continuous Practice) that lasted six months.
Nitya Anadi Sadguru bestowed the authority of True Teacher on him in recognition of his immense sacrifice and perseverance. From his Vritikoot Ashram, where his cave, the site of his penance, still stands, he began preaching the scientific method of Vihangam Yoga.
He vowed to spread this science to all desirous people, men, and women all throughout the world, regardless of caste, creed, color, religion, or faith. In 1954, when the famed Mahakumbh festival was held at his Jhunsi Ashram (Prayag), he laid down his mortal coils in his normal yogic sitting posture.
He spoke in His customary voice from the air for fifteen minutes after abandoning His body, stating His descendants and disciples to place His body in Samadhi, which He had already built before relinquishing His body.
You may be startled to find that Sadguru Deo ji is no longer in His body, but He produces one whenever necessary using atomic power. He typically mentioned it during His lifetime.
He still appears before His disciples and protects them from dangers and guides them to proceed onward.
The fourth type of Sadguru is called – Parampara Sadguru (Sadguru by inheritance)
Parampara Sadguru is a noble soul who inherits the Abhyas Siddha Sadguru, who empowers him to carry out his globe preaching duty. He may be the son or a disciple to whom the Abhyas Siddha Sadguru directs the flow of His immense wisdom and initiates the desirous individuals into Vihangam Yoga.
His Holiness Infinite Sadguru Acharya Dharmachandradeo ji Maharaj
[1919 – 1969]
Sadguru Sadafaldeoji Maharaj appointed his son and pupil, Acharya Dharmachandradeo ji Maharaj, as his successor before leaving his body. He elevated him to the position of Parampara Sadguru by allowing His yogic power to flow into him.
Acharya Dharmachandradeo ji Maharaj, who relinquished his body in September 1969, preached this knowledge of God-realization throughout India for fifteen years.
Before relinquishing his body, he bestowed the power of True Teacher on his son and pupil, Acharya Swatantra Deo Ji Maharaj, the second Sadguru in the tradition.
[Present Sadguru Acharya Swatantra Dev Ji Maharaj ]
During the regime of Present Sadguru Acharya Swatantra Dev Ji Maharaj, this amazing scientific technique of God-realization called Vihangam Yoga is not only being preached throughout the length and breadth of India but it has been taken abroad announcing its clarion call to arise and learn this easy technique and enjoy bliss and redemption from bondages of suffering and unrest.
So, Act Fast, Learn this Amazing technique, Practice it, and Get Peace of Mind, body, and Soul.
May God bless you